Shopping malls are a favourite amongst the elite class and youngsters. Malls are a great way to advertise. It is quick, easy and effective since people are in the right frame of mind to shop, enjoy and relax. Advertising at shopping malls is an attractive medium for advertisers who wish to target all types of customers-from high end to youngsters. An interesting fact about mall advertising is that malls attract more customers than video advertisements. Recent market study shows that advertising in malls and multiplexes can reach an astounding number of customers-75% recall seeing an advertising display versus 45% on the internet.
Your business can be of any size or any age, if it needs to matter, it needs to stand out. Advertising in malls and multiplexes can enable your business to cross the digital divide and reconnect with real people and customers in the real physical world. IM Solutions is your one step solution for advertising in malls and multiplexes. From banner ads to kiosks, we will handle all your advertisement needs to reach out to the wider audience.
As part of advertising in malls and multiplexes, we cover leading malls in Bangalore as well as other major metropolitan cities. Our mall and multiplex advertisement include live demonstrations, sampling, contest, kiosks, etc. that will enable direct advertisement and build your brand value. Each project we undertake is articulated to attract, entice and generate interest of the people.
Our mall and multiplex advertising package include advertising in range of brand activation options that you can select from mall and multiplex advertisements. As a leading mall and multiplex advertising company, we have tie-ups with some of the well-established and popular malls in Bangalore and other major cities to ensure your ads get right visibility to a wider audience.
We value ads because ads sends the message in the most delightful and artistic way. That is why as an advertising company, we endeavour to deliver 100% successful mall and multiplex advertising service to all our customers. We work to provide the best service in the industry. Our ad campaigns are designed to make your product or service stand out when shoppers are evaluating their purchase decision. We use attention-grabbing techniques to catch the attention of the shoppers. Our ads allow retailers and retail products to reach out to the mass audience in the common areas and drive to the stores. We allow you to connect with potential clients beyond the point of purchase.
Advertising in malls and multiplexes are effective way to promote one’s business. Shopping malls, being very popular amongst the elite class and youngsters are quick, easy and effective. In the malls, people are in the right frame of mind to shop, enjoy and relax. Recent market study shows that advertising in malls and multiplexes can reach an astounding number of customers-75% recall seeing an advertising display versus 45% on the internet.
There is no fixed amount of how much should be spent on advertising in malls and multiplexes. The cost of Advertising in malls and multiplexes will depend on factors such as in which malls the ads are being placed, location and space in the mall, time of the advertisement, duration of the advertisement, size of the banners, posters etc. In this regard, the best possible way is to determine the budget on mall and multiplex advertising is to get a customized advertising and pay for only the services used by your business.
To measure the success of advertisements in malls and multiplexes, different metrics are used such as the response of the customers, conversion rates, customer feedback, return on investment, rate of sales through the advertisements, etc.
Generally, the advertisements in malls and multiplexes are dominated by big
brands of consumer goods. But advertisement in malls and multiplexes can be also be used by all types of businesses such as clothing lines, electronics, real estate, finance and banking, health care services, jewelry, automobiles, food and beverage, etc.
Yes, definitely advertisements in malls and multiplexes can be used by businesses irrespective of the size of the business. Even small business can showcase their products and services and enhance their brand image. It will help you reach customers and gain their attention visually. Over time, it will build your business value and promote your brand image.